Christmas Makes the Heart Grow Colder
But I hate it. I hate everything about Christmas in America. From Halloween (if not earlier) until literally December 26 I am always pretty angry and skeptical. Talk about the game "Why the Terrorists Hate Us", Christmas is a perfect example. I hate having to hear crappy Holiday music on every radio station and ever store I walk into. Do the Backstreet Boys really need the money they get from their Christmas album being aired every year? I think the country...nay, the world, would be a better place without that crap.
I almost wish that America just stopped celebrating Christmas. If you think about it the only reason it is a national phenomenon is because it drives the 4th quarter revenue of the retail and finance industries. America just celebrates Christmas so the poor people know about all of the cool presents that they CAN'T afford yet spend every muscle and ounce of their existence working to at least afford some of it while putting the rest on their 30% interest credit cards (or if they are REALLY lucky they will get one of the pay day loans for a mere 1799% APR).
If America needs a holiday to just use to suck the life and money out of its citizenry, why not take a closer look at Thanksgiving? We have to be thankful that we get to spend so much money on meaningless stuff!
Eh what the fuck am I complaining about.
Why Not Now?
Recently at work there was a gentleman who had a detailed conversation with me about his life. He is the man who invented the cell phone, cable T.V., has CIA death squads chasing after him and his bride-to-be/prostitute friend, and knows that McDonalds is just a front for the CIA's top-secret detainment/torture program. Also, his bus pass expired.
I am sure that every one of you readers out there have some type of experience dealing with "that guy." It isn't really a problem, I sort of just went along with his stories because he was so excited to tell me all of this. Ah, I forgot to mention that if it weren't for Ron Howard and Barbara Streisand he would have made 12.5 trillion dollars...just because.
Another person who has been around the job keeps insisting that he...pretty much invented steel. He tells me (very often in fact, as if he never told me or even met me before) that he is the rightful President and CEO of U.S. Steel. He invented truck frames, I beams, and rail road tracks. He also goes by "Clark Kent" and "Rocky Bullwinkle." I don't think he knows that it is Rocky AND Bullwinkle, but heck no one is perfect.
These kind of people are nice enough and overall they are harmless. I often enjoy engaging them because I think that they really need to get that stuff off their chests. And, I always like to stay on their good side because...just what if?
I've Been Saying it All Along
Also, sorry Mom, this is a little inappropriate of a post to follow your tribute...
New Take on Picasso's "Guernica"
Its a Hard Knock Life Without Parole
What does matter is the case heard before the Supreme Court yesterday, asking whether or not it is constitutional to send minors to prison for life with out parole for non-homicide crimes. (Luckily for our civilization, in Roper v Simmons, the 2005 the Supreme Court ruling that struck down the death penalty for people committing capital offenses under the aged of 18.) The lawyers for the two defendants, who were 16 and 13 at the time they committed their crimes argued that "The sentence is unequivocal and cruel because it rejects any hope that the adolescent can change"
Now I have not read the full arguments but I do not believe that the attorneys are arguing that their clients deserved to be released at any certain age, and this sits pretty well with me. What doesn't sit well with me is this:
"There are 111 inmates serving sentences of life without parole who
committed their nonhomicide crimes when they were younger than
18, of which 77 are in Florida prisons. There are 73 13- or 14-year-old
inmates serving such sentences"
However it begs the question of how do you rehabilitate a 13 year old kid who's made a couple of mistakes by throwing him in prison to hang out with other criminals? Does it matter if people are sentenced to life in prison at the age of 13, or spend their entire life in and out of the correctional system because, lets face it, with out present system, "corrections" is a complete misnomer.
I really do think that most children who are in a spot and hang out with the wrong crowd and get caught up in criminal activities can be completely rehabilitated and become productive and upstanding members of society. I also think that no one in the corrections system really cares. Life with out parole or any other sentence will probably mean the same thing the way the system works right now. We need to fix the system to have any hope of rehabilitating any criminals.
And.....We're Back!
So first things first. The Yankees won their 40th Pennant last night. It was so fitting it seems to have Mo getting the 6 out save with a monster strike out. I am happy that it was a spectacular series played between the Angels and the Yanks. I knew we would be triumphant, but the Angles are pretty much Yankee killers. Now we face off against the Phillies, the No. 1 and No. 2 most powerful offenses in the game. I'd like to see Joba and Hughes come out of their mini-slumps, and I would also like to never see Demaso Marte ever again. I love the entire core of this team, and I know that after we win Number 27 the 2009 New York Yankees will be one of the greatest teams ever assembled.
I have definitely fallen behind with the Day Zero Project. Although the list is not as slight as I have updated, I do need to speed up to stay on pace and accomplish my goals. It is a lot harder now that I am about 5 months into the project (out of 33, or 1001 days from May 15, 2009).
Right, I nearly forgot. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you and that I love all of my friends and family out there who wished me a happy birthday. I didn't really do anything special (the newly traditional family-goes-out-for-dinner was great though, my first time eating at Mad Mex). I know all it takes today is a quick click on the key board and the birthday wishes are done, but still, I do appreciate all of my friend out there. It is good to hear from you and to know that you all are live and well.
Jared has been riding my butt about getting a post up, but I don't think he understands the fact that I was just totally wordless. Complete constipation of thought.
Well, I'm back. (Let's hope)
Oh yeah, and for you Canadian Bank customers, nothing happened with your account, its just me again.
What is happening to me?
Yankee's Update
Just Your Average Tuesday
I also just finished reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. The story was quite a strange journey for someone like me who has read mostly European and American authors. However, Murakami definitely tells an interesting and complex story about a 15 year old boy, Kafka, and his journey to find meaning and purpose. Kafka is certainly no Caufield, and I wouldn't even compare this to any similar coming-of-age story. I don't even think I can say that I liked the book as a whole. I did not understand many of the cultural nuances, but reading it did make me aware of an entirely new world of literature. I am grateful for this and look forward to reading more Asian literature.
However, today is the first day that I will be mentoring kids with a community-based reading program. I am really excited to start, but from listening to all of the mentors last week at our meeting, I am also quite anxious, as I know I have an important job ahead of me. Wish me luck!
More Passion Pit Hype
Who's ready for the wild things?
G20 Soup Kitchen Harassed By Police
A Guest Blogger: Jared "Numbnuts" Burgan
This is my most recent photograph of Jared. Looking good as always:

Without further adieu:
Jared Burgan
As my enlistment progressed the Army began to grow on me. That coupled with a diminishing interest in my collegiate studies (music education) I saw the possibility of me making a career out of the military a more likely path I’d be taking. As such I am currently to re-class my MOS to 19D- Cavalry Scout. I’ve gotten used to surprised comments and disappointed looks as I tell this to my friends and family as I field the standard questions of, “Why would you want to do this now?” to less frequent but more sincere, “Why do you want to be part of the war machine?” Not all of the feedback has been negative though. “This is something you’d be good at” or “I can see you doing this” are the most common responses from these people. It hasn’t been an easy decision and it’ll take me a while to follow through with it as I get other things in order.
What I really want to talk about though is the ever-pervading question of “Why? Why would you want to join the Army, especially during a war?” And for me, where I am in my life, it is hard to explain to people that it is something I feel like I need to do. Part of it is legacy. My cousin has been in since the late 1980’s and is currently serving as a company first sergeant. Both of my grandfathers served during World War II. One of them was awarded two Silver Stars, a Purple Heart, and aided in the liberation of a concentration camp. Another part of it is a sense of service. This part is hard for people to understand, especially in an era of American society where any sense of service of any kind is lost in an elitist sense of “that isn’t for me”. That leads me to my third reason. I was fortunate enough to have the option of enlisting. Other people due to their own circumstances are left with the military as their only option for a successful future. This doesn’t demean their commitment but it does put into perspective a dangerously growing gap between the haves and the have-nots.
The last eight years have a put a serious strain on the public’s opinion of the military and those who serve. We are caught in an occupation in one country and an increasingly violent insurgency in another. And amidst this we’ve turned military service into political leanings- in efforts to point blame on a particular party we’ve neglected and abandoned the men and women who serve our country. We’ve turned “Why do you serve?” into “How could you possibly do this now?” We’ve written off a sense of service simply as necessity- someone just trying to scrape by. We’ve turned the efforts of men and women overseas into fodder for a left-wing/ right-wing argument over who is right or should we even keep bothering in these countries? Soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen have volunteer for a job that has people with little to no military experience directing the course of their lives. So as civilians and politicians argue over policy we’ve abandoned men and women over seas to fight wars with no support.
The last eight years have made it very easy for a lot of people in this country to judge the actions of men and women over seas, and worse to pass judgment on why these people chose to do what they do. Asking soldiers why they serve is trying to understand why they volunteer for months over seas away from families, why they put themselves in a firefight, or why they risk their lives for the men and women next to them. The truth is though that if it is something someone never experiences, it is something that can never be understood.
This is what a police state looks like.
Ther should be more shows like this on television
Well I can't publish the video on the site, so check it out here
On Pittsburgh and the G20

Who in Pittsburgh has consented to the laws being imposed on us by the police department, FBI, secret service, and Dept of Homeland Security?
Quoted from the City Paper (Marty Levine 9/10/09):
One of the proposed ordinances would cite people for wearing a mask or other face concealment with the "intent" to commit an unlawful act. Another would give the same penalties -- a $300 fine or up to 30 days in jail -- to those possessing "noxious substances," weapons or other equipment that could be used to prevent police from dispersing them. The measures have been set for their first vote Sept. 9.
No, you cannot wear a gas mask in Pittsburgh (even if you are at a Pirates game).
Yes, police and other law enforcement departments can arrest you if they believe you have the INTENT to commit a crime (read: thought crimes?).
Also read this article
I believe the latter is directly in violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments which state:
(4th)The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
(5th)No person shall be held to answer for any capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
I understand the right and duty of the state to protect its people from all enemies, foreign and domestic. But citizens (yes, we are citizens, not subjects) also must demand from our leaders to not become domestic enemies themselves. As Jefferson said in his Declaration of Independence, that the state DERIVES THEIR POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, and that the state better be careful with its power because WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE...IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT.
These were some of the founding ideas of America. Don't mess that up, G.
Stop Motion: Google Maps Version
Tell me what you think
What do YOU think?
me: right
and don't...
at least eye-ball your eggs though
you can guesstimate the shit out of those eggs
anon: lately, i've been balling my eggs.
It's not cheating if...
Just wondering.
And in other news...
I got a job at the local YMCA, which is awesome because a perk of the job is free membership to the gym etc. The Y is geographically in the middle of my house, school, and Hoi, which makes it a convenient and central location in my current schedule.
So splatter that.
Where the Wild Things Are
Yankee's Update
The Downs:
We're Wang-less. This means about 18 less wins from a starter. It also means Sergio Mitre.
Brian Bruney. His numbers really aren't that bad, but his worst pitching is when we need him the most. Yikes.
The Angels. I might be wrong, but I think that the Angels are the only team in baseball who has a winning record against the Yankees in the last 15 years. I hate playing against them. I hope they lose every game from now until eternity and we never have to face them in the playoffs. This is a completely irrational fear, but it is what I have nightmares about.
The Ups:
We are in the top ten in every offensive, pitching, and fielding category. Seriously. Wait no, era is 15th.
Six, yes SIX players with 20+home runs. (btw, Jeter and Posada both have 17)
Derek Jeter. MVP? Six more hits until he passes Lou Gehrig on the all time hits list. Lou Gehrig! What an amazing lifetime accomplishment for any player, let alone a fellow Yankee captain.
Our expensive off season is definitely paying off. Who cares, it's not my money.
Mo and C.C. are both Cy Young candidates.
My prediction of 107-55 is still very possible.
World Series Champs.
POD: King Coal

DZP: #44 Get and use a library card
Sand Animation?
Rest in Peace, Senator Kennedy
Statement from President Obama
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release August 26, 2009
Statement from President Obama:
Michelle and I were heartbroken to learn this morning of the death of
our dear friend, Senator Ted Kennedy.
For five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance
the civil rights, health and economic well being of the American people
bore his name and resulted from his efforts.
I valued his wise counsel in the Senate, where, regardless of the swirl
of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his
confidence and momentous support in my race for the Presidency. And
even as he waged a valiant struggle with a mortal illness, I've profited
as President from his encouragement and wisdom.
An important chapter in our history has come to an end. Our country has
lost a great leader, who picked up the torch of his fallen brothers and
became the greatest United States Senator of our time.
And the Kennedy family has lost their patriarch, a tower of strength and
support through good times and bad.
Our hearts and prayers go out to them today--to his wonderful wife,
Vicki, his children Ted Jr., Patrick and Kara, his grandchildren and his
extended family.
Julian Plenti - Julian Plenti is....Skyscraper
*Paul Banks of Interpol
Julian Plenti - Unwind
I see your face and I let you own me
I see your face and I let you unwind
I see your face and I let you own me
I see your face, I won’t let you unwind
I see your face and I let you own me
I see your face and I let you unwind
I see your face and I let you own me
I feel you shake and know a pleasure of my design
I see your face and I let you own me
I can’t replace you, want to give us another try
I see your face and I let you own me
I feel you shake, I won’t let you unwind
See, I’ll make time just for you
I’ll make time for you now
I’ll make time just for you
I’ll make time for you now
I’ll make time just for you
I’ll make time for you now
I’ll make time just for you
I’ll make time
Patience, patience
It’s safer for you now
Patience, patience
It’s safer for you now
I see your face and I let you own me
I see your face and I let you unwind
I see your face and I let you own me
Don’t hesitate to know a pleasure of my design
I can’t replace you, want to give us another try
I see your face and I let you own me
I feel you shake, I won’t let you unwind
Day Zero Project - #5watch all Best Picture films (4/81)
Rocky - 1976
No Country For Old Men - 2007
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - 2003
4/81 movies watched
I have seen these movies before, and I have seen many other Best Picture films before, but I said I was going to watch them all over again.
I Am Home, Fresh POD
Yes, I am still very, very ugly.
I wonder if the producers know or knew about all of the other planet-destroying-flying-object movies made in the past decade, least of which was titled Armageddon. I am pretty sure that everyone has seen this movie, and if you haven't you should. Best planet-destroying-flying-object movie EVER made. Now it seems that Bruce Willis and Co. got it right when they flew up there, landed on the meteor, drilled into the center of the meteor, planted a nuclear bomb, and sacrificed the old man so that Liv Tyler can marry Ben Affleck. The theory behind this was that if you blew up something on the surface of the meteor, nothing would happen. Now, Jason Alexander said "Eff that Michael Bay, we are going to launch EVERY MISSLE IN THE WHOLE WORLD at the oncoming orb." And they do. Every single missle silo, submarine, bazooka, RPG, IED, ICBM, etc in the whole world is silmutaneously launched into space. But this is only after Marla Sokolof kills a couple Mexican police officers in cold blood, gets stopped at the US/Mexico boarder (she thought she could drive into America with a Mexican police cruiser and blood on her face without raising any eyebrows), but convinces the boarder patrol to let her call the Jet Propulsion Labratory with the coordinates of the meteor (she then take out a pencil and steno-pad and in long hand works out the REAL cooridnates because she thought that "something just wasn't right" and she is able to figure out, on only 1/2 of a sheet of a steno pad, what the entire Jet Propulsion Labratory could not figure out), her murders or either forgiven or considered water under the bridge when the US VP called the border patrol station where she is being held and orders her to be transfered to a military base to help with the science stuff.
Now if this story line (this is just half the story, there are about 10-15 other developing plots) isn't bad enough for you, have no fear. The studio heads at Universal/NBC will never let you down when it comes to bad special effects. Now my friend Ed was working in LA recently doing some CGI stuff. He tells me its pretty slow out there right now. Meteors special effects make the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers seem cutting-edge. When it came time for all of the missle launches, they didn't even bother making new footage. I think they stole training video's from the Missle Command Launch programs in the 1950's. Maybe they were just trying to save costs, I am pretty sure that the MCL program videos are public domain at this point. I am certain that the Computer Program at the Clifton Boy's and Girl's Club could have produced more convincing special effects.
NBC pleae quit wasting your time. Just keep showing reruns of Law and Order. I haven't had my fill of Chris Noth or Sam Watertson a.k.a Jack "The Real" McCoy. And I still have yet to see the episode with Charlie Day as a guest star.
I wish I had talent
Day Zero Project
I am making a chart to help me review my progress, or lack thereof, and since I will most likely be unable to post anything for the next couple of weeks I will probably just update the public with my progress in August when I get back from camp. Don't worry, it will be epic.
Thank You, Readers
As you can see from the title, I want to once again thank all 570 people who have visited my blog. You guys and gals must have the most boring lives ever. I did some research to find out a little more about you voyeurs and some interesting information came to my attention. First and foremost, I did not know that I have become an international superstar. Yes, I knew about the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has given me a couple hits, accidents at first but I am sure they all have become loyal readers. I did not know about the people in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Singapore, France, New Zealand, Philippines, Chile, Germany, Norway, Denmark, and Russia! Do you think I should hire an assistant? I don't. And I won't.
Sixty nine of you used Google to search my site (probably Canadians looking to make a deposit), two people were sent over from my good friend AP's blog, 313 people used Firefox, and only 5 people used the new Google Chrome. Amazing!!! The only 2 people left on the planet using dial-up visited my site! I'm a mega-star. (It was probably the two hits from Alabama.) On Friday, June 19, 2009, the average time spent on my site by visitors was 12:40 seconds (there were only two visits that day).
Wow, these are such fun facts!
So much for the Neighborhood Crime Watch
It was the last Christmas present my mom had given me.
Now I know what people mean when they say that "their whole lives were in that house." Losing a DVD does seem very trivial, in fact, it IS very trivial. It is now like I lost something that I had of ours, somethat that her and I shared and loved. I know that those moments and that love was not stolen from me along with the videos, I know that completely. Its just a crappy situation.
O bla di, o bla dah
Gone Fishin'

I took this picture on Thursday I believe, after listening to The Kinks for a long time. Some of my friends got a picture message from me with the same caption:
"I don't feel safe in this world no more/I dont want to die in a nuclear war/I want sail away to a distant shore/and make like an ape man"
Yes, those awesome sunglasses ARE Faded Glory brand from Walmart. No, they are no longer in production. Its funny because the sun glare protection is getting weaker and weaker...Faded Glory???
DZP: The Week in Review
Much to my amazement, this has not been a complete failure so far. My room/apt is mostly clean, mostly, I worked toward the reading goal I wanted to achieve, I began compiling the word of the week, (ambulatory is this week's word), and I am about to finish the biography Henry Kissinger by Walter Isaacson. However, there were definite shortcomings in several areas. I will try my best to improve.
I need to purchase a new pair of shoes in order to begin training for the marathon. I want to do this the right way, and since I do not own a proper pair of running shoes I feel it is a necessary expense.
As blogging goes, I believe I posted 3 entries this week. I am somewhat confounded with blog etiquette. I know that you readers do not really care what I ate for breakfast, or what time I woke up this morning. I want to make you WANT to read this stupid thing! However, I do not know what is too personal to blog about. What do you think? I know that ultimately, I am the only editor, the editor-in-chief to be exact. But when and how and were would I be crossing the douchebaggery line? I try at all costs to avoid any douchebaggerisms, douchebagality, douchbagitude, etc. Maybe I will just have to play it by ear. Let me know when I enter the Valley of Douche. (or, as McDonalds would say Douché)
The Big 3
DZP: 90help someone learn to read
Also, I think I decided on what I will be writing my congressman about. Check out bluegreenamerica.org. Looks good to me!
I hope that everyone out there is doing well.
DZP: DONE 75delete yahoo account
Man, being out at camp is so strange. I am pretty sure that I am not going to be able to update my blog 3x/ week because of lack of any interweb connection.
Not much has been happening, I will post some relevant information soon.
Gone for the weekend
Quote of the Day
- Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota and (before that) Navy SEAL, in a discussion about torture with Larry King.You give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders.
thanks to : http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2009/05/quote_of_the_day_39.cfm
101 in 1001 - The Day Zero Project - CIBC's List
Day Zero Project May 15 2009 start date Feb 10 2012 end date
2 years, 8 months, 26 days = 1001 days
- 86,486,400 seconds
- 1,441,440 minutes
- 24,024 hours
- 143 weeks
I dare YOU to donate $1 to IOCC, for every task I do complete!
What is IOCC?
1train for and compete in marathon
2play soccer at least once a month (0/33)
3play lacrosse at least once a month (0/33)
4lose get weight down to 160-170lbs and maintain (190lbs May 15 09)
5watch all Best Picture films (0/81)
6read a Pulitzer Prize winner once a month (0/33)
7memorize a Shakespeare sonnet
8memorize the Gettysburg Address
9visit a museum/gallery once a month (0/33)
10visit 10 civil war battle sights (0/10)
11sleep outside one night (or more), under the stars, no blankets or tent
12ride bike every day
13learn what my carbon footprint is and reduce it at much as possible
14enroll at CCAC
15average no lower than 3.5
16visit someone in the hospital once a month (0/33)
17choose the local store over the chain store
18write a letter to my congressman once a month (0/33)
19participate in every possible election (and be informed)
20play a round of golf
21play basketball once a month (0/33)
23get over L (see 41)
24stop biting nails
25stop lying
26pay off all of my debts
27get PA drivers license
28live up to my word
29do not cut hair
30drink at least 1 gallon of water a day (0/1001)
31stop eating fast food
32host thanksgiving dinner w/ all the trimmings
33leave (and return to) north america
34take a weekend bike trip
35canoe from All Saints Camp to Pittsburgh
36update blog at least 3x/week
37complete one sunday nyt crossword puzzle
38play in a live low stakes poker tournament at a casino
39low-impact camp for 3 nights. scavenge/hunt for food, purify own water
40build my platform bed
41say sorry to the people i've hurt. forgive everyone who's hurt me. forgive myself.
42send letters to an orphanage once a month (0/33)
43get a record player and start a record collection (0/50)
44get and use a library card
45go to a casting call/audition for something
46put at least $2500 into savings account
47pay rent the first of every month, even though i have till the 5th
48convince phil to do some of this list with me
49stay in touch with my closest friends. AP, EC, ES, JS, RF, PH, RA, - you guys are awesome, thank you for everything
50do not watch TV for a week, repeat 10 times (0/10)
51hug someone i love once a day(0/1001)
52homebrew a case of beer
53eat duck and/or goose
54catch a muskie
55put aside $1 a day for charity (0/$1001)
56volunteer at the Children's Museum
57participate in an OCMC trip
58see an opera
59write a letter to the editor once a month (0/33)
60finish every book i start
61study english grammar always use correct capitalization and punctuation when typing
62learn one new word a week (0/143)
63submit the Christopher John Burgan wikipedia.org entry
64help/encourage JPB to write a script
65make up mind between teaching, law, or both
66make 2 new friends
67go to a music festival
68see bruce springsteen live
69take a voice lesson(s) (if after the first one it isn't a total lost cause)
70read the list of book in The Well Educated Mind (0/117)
71buy a helmet for bike riding
72be in bed by 11pm and up at 6am every day for a month 3 occasions (0/3)
73clean apartment/living space every week (0/143)
74see phish live
75delete yahoo email account
76keep clothes off my floor, do laundry every week (0/143)
77honor the bet made with Vic Bucharew Jul 08
78identify every sovereign state on the current political map (0/203)
79attend church every sunday (0/143)
80write a thank you letter to a service person once a month (0/33)
81bake 10 loaves of bread (0/10)
82host a barbecue/cook-out
83swim in the atlantic, pacific, and gulf of mexico
84follow all of the major fasting periods prescribed by The Church (0/11)
85apply for americorps
86get and keep alive 5 plants for the apartment (0/5)
87recycle all glass, aluminum, tin, and paper products every week (0/143
88go to the dentist 4 times (0/4)
89vonunteer one day a month at a soup kitchen (0/33)
90help someone learn to read
91buy one pick 4 a week and buy one mega-million each week (0/143)
92pursue my photography hobby
93explore 10 urban ruins (0/10)
94take apart a small engine, and rebuild it back into working order
95host a 3 course dinner for 10 people on 5 different occasions (0/5)
96go to a game in the new yankee stadium
97ride my bike for a 24 hour period (will explain)
98read/meditate on daily scriptures
99be a better brother, son, friend
100never forget that mom is here with me
101new 101 tasks to complete by friday november 7 2014
Au Revoir Simone
This is a live recording of The Lucky One. I do not own this video. Enjoy!
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result
that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic
and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Hi everyone. Most of you who know me, know that for the past 25 years I have led somewhat of a disappointing life. I've been great at being mediocre, and honestly I have had enough. My life has been unorganized, destructive, a let down, full of shortcomings (sorry, ex-girlfriends), and simply not at all self-satisfying. I've been thinking about this a lot for the past year, and especially now after a close friend just passed away.
Today, this is all going to change. I am going to become a productive, exuberant, organized, person who is no longer satisfied with the ordinary, the mundane, the mediocrity that I have subjected myself (and others) to in the past.
Now, I have know about this Day Zero Project for a while now, and as you must know, I didn't really regard it too much. But I am going to use the DZP as the catalyst for change and self improvement. Over the next couple of days I am going to analyze my life, current life situation, assess possible futures, and so on. By Friday I will have this list compiled, and please, if you have any suggestions please comment!
I am going to post the entire list here on my blog, and obviously, you will be seeing DZP updates. Friends, please know that I am serious about this endeavor. I want, and need your support and encouragement. Also, if anyone wants to embark together, or meet up somewhere along the way, there is power in numbers.
It Is About That Time for Another Yankee Update

Its been a rough couple of weeks. Question: Does payroll matter? If it doesn't matter, why does everyone bitch about us spending so much moola? Really, why does anyone care how much the Yankees spend if, especially in recent years, it hasn't produced No. 27? As of this very moment, we are 14-15. One game under .500%. Why do beat writers say we are "floundering"? We are one game under .500. Currently, there are 14 teams under .500. Why does everyone have to go out of their way to HATE the Yanks? I was at a game in the Bronx two years back, a game between us and the Angels. There were people there wearing Minnesota Twins jerseys, just rooting AGAINST the Yanks. Who does this?? Get a life. Anyway, we had a pretty good win today. C.C. tossed a 112 pitch complete game shut out, 4 hits 8k 2bb. Not too shabby, lowering his ERA almost a full point. However, against Jeremy Guthrie, we succumbed to 10k's, and in all, double digits left on base. Even so, the most appealing moment of the night, something that I actually called would happen, exactly how it did, was Alex Rodriguez's first pitch 3 run jack. God Bless the New York Yankees.
We are not floundering, fuckers.
F my K
On Monday I ran it over with a CubCadet grass cutting tractor. The grass cutter destroyed my knife. Literally, demolished the knife into thousands of little pieces. RIP, knife.
This is my 66th post!
Here is to the next 66 postings!
Here is a special POD!!!
Flashback to CCMS and CHS Lunch Room Antics

Go ahead, reach back to the good old days of deciding between sloppy-joe-sh(it), plastic pizza, or the maybemeat they put in the subs. School lunch was so great, wasn't it!?!?! However, thanks to a certain someone, a dear friend of my childhood, we were saved from making that ghastly decision. A culinary masterpiece, the bagel with cream cheese and dorito's chips (preferably Cool Ranch). I don't know how she thought of it, but thank you TLH, thank you so very much.