
Just Your Average Tuesday

Well, the mentoring program was awesome. I was teamed up with an awesome kid and we really seemed to get along well from the start. I am still pretty nervous about living up to the role, as all of the other mentors are so amazing with everything they are able to do for their kids. I am sure that volunteering her and working with students one on one will help prepare me for teaching in the next couple of years. And I know that as cliche as it sounds, it is really important for kids to have positive role models in their lives, especially at such young ages. Not only does working here help me fulfill a personal need (DZP, training for my future, etc), I truly believe I am fulfilling a civic responsibility. If everyone just gave a couple of hours a month to help their neighbors out life really would be better and easier for everyone.

I also just finished reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. The story was quite a strange journey for someone like me who has read mostly European and American authors. However, Murakami definitely tells an interesting and complex story about a 15 year old boy, Kafka, and his journey to find meaning and purpose. Kafka is certainly no Caufield, and I wouldn't even compare this to any similar coming-of-age story. I don't even think I can say that I liked the book as a whole. I did not understand many of the cultural nuances, but reading it did make me aware of an entirely new world of literature. I am grateful for this and look forward to reading more Asian literature.


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