
101 in 1001 - The Day Zero Project - CIBC's List

Here is the list. Don't forget, I am open to suggestions, encouragement, cheers (no jeers) and anything else that may help me on my way.

Day Zero Project May 15 2009 start date Feb 10 2012 end date
2 years, 8 months, 26 days = 1001 days
  • 86,486,400 seconds
  • 1,441,440 minutes
  • 24,024 hours
  • 143 weeks
For every task I do not complete I will donate $5 to IOCC.
I dare YOU to donate $1 to IOCC, for every task I do complete!

What is IOCC?

1train for and compete in marathon
2play soccer at least once a month (0/33)
3play lacrosse at least once a month (0/33)
4lose get weight down to 160-170lbs and maintain (190lbs May 15 09)
5watch all Best Picture films (0/81)
6read a Pulitzer Prize winner once a month (0/33)
7memorize a Shakespeare sonnet
8memorize the Gettysburg Address
9visit a museum/gallery once a month (0/33)
10visit 10 civil war battle sights (0/10)
11sleep outside one night (or more), under the stars, no blankets or tent
12ride bike every day
13learn what my carbon footprint is and reduce it at much as possible
14enroll at CCAC
15average no lower than 3.5
16visit someone in the hospital once a month (0/33)
17choose the local store over the chain store
18write a letter to my congressman once a month (0/33)
19participate in every possible election (and be informed)
20play a round of golf
21play basketball once a month (0/33)
23get over L (see 41)
24stop biting nails
25stop lying
26pay off all of my debts
27get PA drivers license
28live up to my word
29do not cut hair
30drink at least 1 gallon of water a day (0/1001)
31stop eating fast food
32host thanksgiving dinner w/ all the trimmings
33leave (and return to) north america
34take a weekend bike trip
35canoe from All Saints Camp to Pittsburgh
36update blog at least 3x/week
37complete one sunday nyt crossword puzzle
38play in a live low stakes poker tournament at a casino
39low-impact camp for 3 nights. scavenge/hunt for food, purify own water
40build my platform bed
41say sorry to the people i've hurt. forgive everyone who's hurt me. forgive myself.
42send letters to an orphanage once a month (0/33)
43get a record player and start a record collection (0/50)
44get and use a library card
45go to a casting call/audition for something
46put at least $2500 into savings account
47pay rent the first of every month, even though i have till the 5th
48convince phil to do some of this list with me
49stay in touch with my closest friends. AP, EC, ES, JS, RF, PH, RA, - you guys are awesome, thank you for everything
50do not watch TV for a week, repeat 10 times (0/10)
51hug someone i love once a day(0/1001)
52homebrew a case of beer
53eat duck and/or goose
54catch a muskie
55put aside $1 a day for charity (0/$1001)
56volunteer at the Children's Museum
57participate in an OCMC trip
58see an opera
59write a letter to the editor once a month (0/33)
60finish every book i start
61study english grammar always use correct capitalization and punctuation when typing
62learn one new word a week (0/143)
63submit the Christopher John Burgan wikipedia.org entry
64help/encourage JPB to write a script
65make up mind between teaching, law, or both
66make 2 new friends
67go to a music festival
68see bruce springsteen live
69take a voice lesson(s) (if after the first one it isn't a total lost cause)
70read the list of book in The Well Educated Mind (0/117)
71buy a helmet for bike riding
72be in bed by 11pm and up at 6am every day for a month 3 occasions (0/3)
73clean apartment/living space every week (0/143)
74see phish live
75delete yahoo email account
76keep clothes off my floor, do laundry every week (0/143)
77honor the bet made with Vic Bucharew Jul 08
78identify every sovereign state on the current political map (0/203)
79attend church every sunday (0/143)
80write a thank you letter to a service person once a month (0/33)
81bake 10 loaves of bread (0/10)
82host a barbecue/cook-out
83swim in the atlantic, pacific, and gulf of mexico
84follow all of the major fasting periods prescribed by The Church (0/11)
85apply for americorps
86get and keep alive 5 plants for the apartment (0/5)
87recycle all glass, aluminum, tin, and paper products every week (0/143
88go to the dentist 4 times (0/4)
89vonunteer one day a month at a soup kitchen (0/33)
90help someone learn to read
91buy one pick 4 a week and buy one mega-million each week (0/143)
92pursue my photography hobby
93explore 10 urban ruins (0/10)
94take apart a small engine, and rebuild it back into working order
95host a 3 course dinner for 10 people on 5 different occasions (0/5)
96go to a game in the new yankee stadium
97ride my bike for a 24 hour period (will explain)
98read/meditate on daily scriptures
99be a better brother, son, friend
100never forget that mom is here with me
101new 101 tasks to complete by friday november 7 2014


kimmycake said...

amazing dear

jb. said...

good luck man. all cheers over here.

jared said...

i feel like you should include see a major orchestra play a major symphony, i.e the Pittsburgh Symphony do Beethoven's 9th September 25-27 (a symphony I think you'd relate to) or Dvorak 7 and the Mendelhsohnn violin concerto. You should also include in your list donating maybe once a year to a major symphony, arts society, or npr.

by the way i'd go with you to see an opera, like die walkure by wagner. or something a little lighter by puccini

cjb said...

jared, it looks like you are shamelessly promoting your field. i'm down.