
The Christmas Spirit


This is embarrassing. Every Thanksgiving Day we watch so many poignant television shows, we salute our troops and tell our family and friends how thankful we are for all that we have. What happens over night? Does Big Retail poison all of the turkey in America to turn us into savage beasts? Yeah, we really have to bring in the belt this holiday season, but in the mean time, lets trample pregnant women just to be the first to get that new TomTom at half price. What a disgrace.

Americans really believe that we are the shit. Who do we think we are? Then we are shocked when we wake up and see in the news how some scum bags ran off with a couple of million dollars. Tell me, what is the difference between that CEo, and that soccer mom who tramples a pregnant woman at a WalMart? Absolutely nothing.

Sorry for being a downer - but seriously, disgusting.

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