
Pic of the Day

this is just going to be getting worse and worse. this was taken today, right after work.

i feel bad for those kids who were lost at sea. they found one of them.

some 21 year old kid was shot in the face by cops after drawing a fake gun on them (after a high speed chase, after he robbed a bank). the dashboard video was pretty compelling, i think i would have shot the kid too. sorry.

today is the first day of lent. i should have done this yesterday, but i didn't. i don't even think that this is anywhere near the proper medium to say this; but, please anyone who i have hurt and offended, please forgive me. also, i forgive anyone who has hurt and or offended me.

there are a couple people who i know that i have hurt really bad, and sometimes you can never say sorry or ask for forgiveness for hurting them. then it starts hurting you.

lebron james is pretty fucking amazing. fun to watch.

i saw a video clip today of a paralympics ice hockey fight. was it bad that it made me laugh?

it is 8 degrees outside right now.

i think i am going to wax my ass because i hate dingle-berries. what?


A P said...

I'm not going to lie it looks like you're in a closet in this picture.

cjb said...

almost! i just took a crap and i am in a small bathroom. shit closet???